Our Big Life Trade-Offs of 2024: Personal Reflections on Work and Passion with Jeni and Angie
“Life is a series of trade-offs.” “Never a failure, always a lesson.” “Did you see this photo of my cat?”
We’re sharing our OWN honest reflections of the year, highlighting the top trade-offs we both made in 2024.
You’ll hear about…
Reckoning with the dark side of social media: do the costs outweigh the benefits?
Where do you go online without Instagram?
Jeni now has something to nurture other than 1,000 houseplants.
She’s a Crazy Cat Lady now!
The scariness yet magic of delegating.
Outsourcing is a spectrum, not a binary.
What the f*ck is Jeni doing with her life?
Unemployment vs. funemployment.
Being a Good Times Monster vs. disciplined (or being both)
Our BIG ESCAPE ROOM ANNOUNCEMENT that everyyyybody’s asking about
Some big appreciations and perhaps changes to this show?
Calling all listeners! Yes, you!
Could you do us one of these as a holiday gift? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
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We’re looking for partners to support the show! Got a brand who’d be a great fit?
Send us your recs for guests! We want a more diverse range of voices.
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Music: The King of Sandwich Island by Shut-ins
Thank you to The Ruins, the best wedding venue in Oregon, for supporting the show.